4 Quotes & Sayings By Joel M Mcmains

Joel M. McMains is a Certified Life Coach in the field of Positive Psychology and the owner of The Mindful Life Coaching Institute, in Charlottesville, Virginia. He is also an author and public speaker, who has worked with companies such as American Express, Merrill Lynch, Citibank, JP Morgan Chase, and others. Joel holds a B.S Read more

degree in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University and an M.S. in Operations Management from the University of Southern California. He was awarded Distinguished Alumni Award by Purdue University in 2012.

Repetitive, forceful corrections had taught this gentle dog that at a specific spot the handler would always yank the lead. Thus, each time the Newf arrived at that point, she'd freeze for a beat and close her eyes in anticipation of the impending blow. This caused her to lag, which led to another correction, which resulted in more lagging, another correction, ad infinitum. It was a classic example of canine learned helplessness, whereby a dog learns to accept abuse as a natural, inevitable consequence of living with humans. Repeated corrections had only frightened and confused the animal, and she was trying to protect herself in the only way she knew how. Joel M. McMains
If uncertain, it's best to pass by a possibly good dog than risk injury. Joel M. McMains
They were as different as honesty and truth, but it takes experience to see the dissimilarities. Rocky was friendly, outgoing and boisterous; Charger was sullen, withdrawn and paranoid. Rocky liked people; Charger didn't. Rocky could trust; Charger didn't know the meaning of the word. Joel M. McMains